Welcome to
Thunderbird Clubhouse!

Community. Recovery. Teamwork. Purpose.
We’re all connected, and we all need each other. Thunderbird Clubhouse believes in the power of community, work, choice, and hope to encourage and empower individuals living with mental illness. Our goal is to engage the community to partner with us to build on the success of our members. In all times our focus is simple, but life-changing: focus on the strengths of our members and our community rather than symptoms or illnesses.
Active Clubhouse Members
Average Daily Attendance
Employed Members

What’s New at the Clubhouse?
2021 Annual Report
2021 Annual Report for Website Click above to download the 2021 Annual Report
2020 Year in Review
Here are the statistics for 2020 as presented at our Annual Meetings. We reached out to 610 members through mail, phone, messaging, or home interactions 109 members participated in social & holiday activities 61 members attended virtual unit meetings 118 members...
2020 Golf Tournament
Thank you to everyone who sponsored, donated and participated in this year’s tournament. We had a record 32 teams play and received over $47,000 to support the mission of Thunderbird Clubhouse. Tournament Winners 1st Place – Kenny Dunigan, Doug Byford, Eric Sinning,...
From Sarah
My name is Sarah Pledger. I have been a member of Thunderbird clubhouse for about four years. I love working at the front desk answering the phone and helping cook lunch. It's really a great place to see friends and feeling like I'm not alone. The year before last...
From Alex
It has been a weird couple of months with Clubhouse being closed. Clubhouse was a big part of my daily routine. I would come everyday and participate in the work ordered day. I loved it because I got to have a wide variety of experiences. I enjoyed speaking to the...
Our Events
Engaging the community with our work and members is an important part of the Clubhouse’s purpose. Whether you enjoy a game of golf, a good dinner and glass of wine, or the chance to meet some of our artists, there’s something for everyone.

Annual Golf Tournament
Join us in September for our annual golf tournament, hosted in association with Thunderbird Clubhouse supporter Steve Owens. (Please watch for our updates concerning 2020’s event, as we monitor the COVID-19 guidelines suggested by health authorities.)

Perfect Pairings Wine Dinner
Perfect pairings is a four-course dinner and wine fundraising event, held in April.

Artist Collective Art Show
A community engagement event that allows members of the Thunderbird Clubhouse Artist Collective to display their work, the Artist Collective Art Show is normally held at a space on Main Street in Norman during a Friday Night Art Walk. While we do welcome the opportunity to raise funds during this event, it’s mostly a chance for the Clubhouse artists to engage with the larger Norman artist community.

Thank You to Our Community Partners

Steve Owens and Family

Contact Us!
1251 Triad Village Drive
Norman, OK 73071
(405) 321-7331